


Sustainability ERP「SSBJ/CSRD Suite」をリリース


 統合型SXプラットフォーム「サステナビリティERP(※1)」の提供と「サステナビリティ2026問題」の提唱により企業のサステナビリティ・トランスフォーメーション(SX)(※2)の加速を支援するbooost technologies株式会社(東京都品川区、代表取締役:青井宏憲 以下 当社)は、2025年3月5日にSSBJ(サステナビリティ基準委員会:Sustainability Standards Board of Japan)より「サステナビリティ開示基準(以下 本基準)」が公表されたことを受け、本基準適応が迫る、東証プライム市場上場企業のうち時価総額5,000億円以上の企業を対象に、本基準への対応のベストプラクティスSustainability ERP「SSBJ/CSRD Suite」を提供いたします。

Japanese followed by English translation.


■ SSBJ「サステナビリティ開示基準」について

 SSBJは、日本における企業のサステナビリティに関する情報開示の基準を開発・策定する組織であり、SSBJ基準とは、国内企業のサステナビリティ情報開示の在り方を示した基準のことです。国際サステナビリティ基準審議会(ISSB)が定める国際的な開示基準であるIFRS S1,S2に相当する「サステナビリティ開示基準」を2025年3月5日に公表しました。


■ SSBJ基準をはじめとする規制対応のベストプラクティスを提供(時価総額5,000億円以上向け)


 当社は、サステナビリティERP(※1)「booost Sustainability Cloud」の提供を通じて、サステナビリティ情報開示の義務化対応を起点としたSX推進のベストプラクティスを提供しております。伊藤忠商事株式会社やイオン株式会社、日本ハム株式会社等の大手企業に選ばれ、グローバル拠点やサプライヤーを含む開示業務の効率化や第三者保証コストの削減等に寄与し、企業のプロジェクト推進に伴走することで企業価値向上に貢献しています。
booost Sustainability Cloud詳細:https://booost-tech.com/solutions


国際サステナビリティ基準「IFRSサステナビリティ ライセンス」を取得

 当社は、国際的なサステナビリティ開示基準IFRS S1, S2およびSASB基準を、自社のシステム、製品、サービスに組み込む権利を得られる「IFRSサステナビリティ ライセンス」を取得しています。

 サステナビリティERP「booost Sustainability Cloud」やコンサルティングサービスを活用されるお客様に対して、国際基準に準拠した情報開示を担保するとともに、投資家をはじめとするステークホルダーに向けた有益なサステナビリティ情報の開示を支援いたします。
IFRS S1, S2, SASB基準および関連知的財産の商用利用は、IFRSとライセンス契約が締結されている場合のみ許可されます。
公式サイト(IFRSサステナビリティ ライセンスについて):

■ SSBJ「サステナビリティ開示基準」の公表歓迎メッセージ

 当社は、「より持続可能でNET-ZEROな未来を実現する」をミッションに掲げ、その実現のためにグローバルでSX、GX(グリーン・トランスフォーメーション)を推進するリーダーへ「Sustainability ERP」を広く提供し、そのプロジェクトに伴走しています。また、サステナビリティ情報開示の義務化を企業成長への絶好のチャンスに変え、日本企業の価値向上およびグローバルでのプレゼンス向上を目指した「日本をSX先進国へ」プロジェクトを立ち上げ、企業のサステナビリティ実務者やサステナビリティ先進企業のエグゼクティブと共に実現のためのアクションを行っています。


■ サステナビリティ2026問題の解決を目指す「日本をSX先進国へ」プロジェクト



■ 「booost Sustainability Cloud」について

 サステナビリティERP*「booost Sustainability Cloud」は、自社およびサプライヤーのサステナビリティ情報を管理する“統合型SXプラットフォーム”です。ISSB、CSRD、SSBJ等のサステナビリティ情報開示基準に準拠した環境、社会、ガバナンス等の1,200以上のデータポイントに対応したサステナビリティ関連情報の収集、集計を自動化し、リアルタイムでのモニタリングを可能にします。




booost及びBOOOSTは、booost technologies株式会社の登録商標です。


(※2)サステナビリティERP「booost Sustainability Cloud」は、自社およびサプライヤーのサステナビリティ情報を管理する“統合型SXプラットフォーム”です。国際開示基準に準拠した環境、社会、ガバナンス等の1,200以上のデータポイントに対応したサステナビリティ関連情報の収集、集計を自動化し、リアルタイムでのモニタリングを可能にします。グローバルに対応したデータガバナンス機能を搭載しており、グループやサプライチェーンを含む組織において多階層の承認フローの実装が可能であるほか、第三者保証等にも対応すべく設計したプラットフォームであり、サステナビリティ関連情報の開示に向けて発生する各業務を効率化・最適化する機能をフェーズ毎に包括的に提供しています。提供開始以降、80ヶ国以上、大企業を中心に約2,000社(192,000拠点以上。2024年2月時点)に導入されています。





【Mandatory Sustainability-Related Financial Reporting for FY 2027】
booost technologies launches Sustainability ERP “SSBJ/CSRD Suite” in response to the newly announced SSBJ Sustainability Reporting Standards

 booost technologies Inc. (Headquartered in Shinagawa, Tokyo; CEO: Hirokazu Aoi), a company dedicated to accelerating corporate Sustainability Transformation (SX) through its integrated SX platform “Sustainability ERP” (*1) and advocacy of the “Sustainability 2026 Issue” (*2), has announced the launch of its Sustainability ERP “SSBJ/CSRD Suite.” This release follows the March 5th, 2025, announcement of the Sustainability Disclosure Standards by the Sustainability Standards Board of Japan (SSBJ). Targeting Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market companies with a market capitalization of 500 billion yen or more, the solution provides best-practice compliance support, helping businesses streamline and accelerate adherence to the new standards before enforcement.

We warmly welcome the announcement of the SSBJ Sustainability Disclosure Standards.


■    About the SSBJ "Sustainability Disclosure Standards"

 The Sustainability Standards Board of Japan (SSBJ) is responsible for developing and establishing sustainability disclosure standards for companies in Japan. The SSBJ Standards define the framework for sustainability-related disclosures by domestic companies.

On March 5, 2025, SSBJ released the Sustainability Disclosure Standards, aligning with the IFRS S1 and S2 standards set by the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB). These standards will be phased in starting from the fiscal year ending March 2027, with mandatory adoption for:

  • Approximately 70 companies with a market capitalization of 3 trillion yen or more.
  • Around 180 companies (1 trillion yen or more) in the following year.
  • About 300 companies (500 billion yen or more) in the second year.

Eventually, the standards are expected to apply to all Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market-listed companies (approximately 1,600 companies).

For further details, please visit the SSBJ website.


■    Providing Best Practices for Regulatory Compliance, Including SSBJ Standards (For Companies with Market Capitalization of 500 billion Yen or More)

 Following the announcement of the SSBJ Sustainability Disclosure Standards, we are offering best-practice solutions for Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market-listed companies with a market capitalization of 500 billion yen or more to support compliance with both SSBJ standards and international regulations.
Learn More & Contact Us: https://booost-tech.com/lp_disclosure

 Through our Sustainability ERP (*1) "booost Sustainability Cloud," we provide best-practice solutions for SX (Sustainability Transformation), starting with compliance with mandatory sustainability disclosure requirements. Leading corporations such as ITOCHU Corporation, AEON Co., Ltd., and NH Foods Ltd. have chosen our solution to streamline global and supplier disclosure processes, reduce third-party assurance costs, and enhance corporate value by supporting project implementation.
booost Sustainability Cloud:https://booost-tech.com/solutions


< A Product Aligned with International Standards>
Obtention of the "IFRS Sustainability License" for International Standards Compliance.

 We have acquired the IFRS Sustainability License, which grants us the right to integrate IFRS S1, S2, and SASB Standards into our systems, products, and services. This ensures that our solutions align with globally recognized sustainability disclosure frameworks.

 Through our Sustainability ERP "booost Sustainability Cloud" and consulting services, we support companies in achieving full compliance with international sustainability standards. By leveraging these best practices, businesses can enhance transparency and provide valuable, investor-focused sustainability disclosures, strengthening trust with key stakeholders.

The commercial use of IFRS S1, S2, SASB Standards, and related intellectual property is permitted only for organizations that have an official licensing agreement with IFRS.

For more details, please visit the official IFRS website:
IFRS Sustainability License Information: https://www.ifrs.org/products-and-services/sustainability-products-and-services/ifrs-sustainability-licensing/

List of Licensed Companies: https://sasb.ifrs.org/licensing-use/firms/


■    Welcoming the Announcement of the SSBJ "Sustainability Disclosure Standards"

 At booost technologies, our mission is to create a more sustainable and NET-ZERO future. To achieve this, we are leading the way in driving SX (Sustainability Transformation) and GX (Green Transformation) globally, providing Sustainability ERP solutions and supporting companies throughout their transformation projects.

 We also see the mandatory sustainability disclosure as an excellent opportunity for corporate growth and have launched the "Japan as an SX Leader" project. Through this initiative, we are working alongside sustainability professionals and executives from leading companies to elevate the value of Japanese companies and enhance their global presence.

 The announcement of the SSBJ Sustainability Disclosure Standards is, without a doubt, a significant milestone in advancing SX in Japan, and we wholeheartedly welcome it. We are committed to continuing to support companies in going beyond compliance to drive meaningful sustainability management through our best-practice solutions, ensuring a successful transformation.


■    "Japan as an SX Leader" Project Aiming to Solve the Sustainability 2026 Issue

 Currently, many companies are facing the Sustainability 2026 Issue, which is characterized by delayed action and a lack of urgency regarding the mandatory sustainability disclosures. As a result, there are growing concerns that this will lead to a decline in corporate value. To address this challenge and improve the global presence of Japanese companies through SX promotion and enhanced corporate value, we launched the "Japan as an SX Leader" project in November 2024.Currently, seven companies (including ours) are supporting this initiative, and we are actively inviting more companies to join and support the project.

Join the "Japan as an SX Leader" Project (We are recruiting supporting companies): https://booost-tech.com/2026sx


■About “boost Sustainability Cloud”

 The booost Sustainability Cloud, a Sustainability ERP solution, is an integrated SX platform designed to manage sustainability data for both your company and its suppliers. It automates the collection and aggregation of sustainability-related information from over 1,200 data points covering environmental, social, governance (ESG) factors in line with sustainability disclosure standards such as ISSB, CSRD, SSBJ, and more. The platform enables real-time monitoring of these data points, ensuring comprehensive oversight.

 With global data governance capabilities, the platform supports complex multi-level approval workflows across organizations, including group consolidations and supply chains. It is designed to facilitate third-party assurance and provides comprehensive functionalities to optimize and streamline all processes related to sustainability information disclosure.Since its launch, booost Sustainability Cloud has been adopted by approximately 2,000 companies (including over 192,000 locations as of February 2025) across more than 85 countries, particularly among large enterprises.

■About booost technologies, Inc.

 booost technologies Inc. develops and provides the "booost Sustainability Cloud", an integrated SX platform that automates the collection and aggregation of sustainability data from over 1,200 data points, covering environmental, social, governance (ESG) factors in compliance with international disclosure standards. The platform enables real-time monitoring and is equipped with global data governance features, supporting multi-level approval workflows across organizations, including group consolidations and supply chains. Additionally, it is designed to accommodate third-party assurance and offers a comprehensive suite of functionalities to streamline and optimize all tasks related to sustainability information disclosure in phased steps.

 Since its launch, booost Sustainability Cloud has been adopted by approximately 2,000 companies (including 192,000 locations as of February 2025), predominantly large enterprises, across 85+ countries. In addition to the software, we also offer sustainability consulting services, where we support companies in driving their Sustainability Transformation (SX) projects, ultimately contributing to the enhancement of corporate value.

<Company Profile>
Company Name: booost technologies inc.
Location: Shin-Osaki Kangyo Building 10F, 1-6-4 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
Established: April 15, 2015
Representative: Hirokazu Aoi, President, and Representative Director
Capital: ¥1.8 billion (including capital reserve) as of February 2025.
Development and operation of “boost Sustainability Cloud
Provision of sustainability consulting services
Corporate website: https://booost-tech.com/

booost and BOOOST are registered trademarks of booost technologies Inc.

(※1) Sustainability ERP "booost Sustainability Cloud" is an integrated SX platform that manages sustainability data for both your company and its suppliers. It automates the collection and aggregation of sustainability-related information from over 1,200 data points covering environmental, social, governance (ESG) factors in compliance with international disclosure standards, enabling real-time monitoring. The platform is equipped with global data governance features, supporting multi-level approval workflows within organizations, including group consolidations and supply chains. It is designed to accommodate third-party assurance and offers comprehensive functionalities to streamline and optimize all tasks related to sustainability information disclosure across different phases. Since its launch, booost Sustainability Cloud has been adopted by approximately 2,000 companies (including 192,000 locations as of February 2025) across 85+ countries, particularly among large enterprises.

(※2) Sustainability Transformation (SX) refers to the process of synchronizing societal sustainability with corporate sustainability and the required management and business transformation efforts to achieve this. Synchronization means contributing to societal sustainability by providing long-term value, which in turn drives long-term, sustainable growth for the company and leads to increased earning potential and further value creation. (Source: Ito Report 3.0)







booost technologies株式会社 広報

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