統合型 SX プラットフォーム「サステナビリティ ERP(※1)」の提供により企業のサステナビリティ・トランスフォーメ ーション(SX)(※2)の加速を支援する booost technologies 株式会社(東京都品川区、代表取締役:青井宏憲 以 下 当社)は、デロイト トーマツ グループのデロイト トーマツ リスクアドバイザリー合同会社(東京都千代田区、 代表執行役:岩村篤、以下 DTRA)と、企業のサステナビリティ情報(※3)開示の規制対応を包括的に支援するた め、アライアンス契約を締結したことをお知らせいたします。
昨今、サステナビリティ情報の開示に関する国内外の動向は活発化しており、ISSB(International Sustainability Standards Board:国際サステナビリティ基準審議会)基準、CSRD(Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive:企 業サステナビリティ報告指令)、SSBJ(Sustainability Standards Board of Japan:サステナビリティ基準委員会)基準 等、開示基準の策定および義務化が進んでいます。
時価総額 3 兆円以上の企業は、2026 年 4 月 1 日から開始する会計年度(2027 年 3 月期)から適用が開始され るため、2026 年までに SX 実現の道筋をつける必要がある「サステナビリティ 2026 問題(※4)」に直面しています。 本義務化にあたり、従来の任意開示から制度開示が開始され第三者の保証が必要となるため、高度な内部統制 の構築およびデータ基盤の整備が課題のひとつです。
これらの動向を受け、当社は、グローバル企業のサステナビリティ情報の開示を起点とした SX 支援を強化する ために、DTRA とアライアンス契約を締結しました。当社は、DTRA との強固な協力関係のもと、「サステナビリティ 2026 問題」解決に向け、統合型 SX プラットフォームであるサステナビリティ ERP「booost Sustainability Cloud」の 普及拡大を進め、データを利活用したサステナビリティ経営の推進に貢献すべく取り組みます。
DTRA は、企業の ESG 経営の戦略、ガバナンス、事業計画、オペレーション、開示といった一連の活動を統合 し、企業の内側からの変革を促進するため、「ESG データドリブン経営」を提唱し、その実践に向けたアドバイザリ ーサービスを提供しています。
当社が提供するサステナビリティ ERP 「booost Sustainability Cloud」は、国際開示基準に準拠し、環境、社会、 ガバナンス等の 1,200 以上のデータポイントに対応したサステナビリティ情報の収集、集計の自動化および、リアル タイムでのモニタリングを可能な統合型 SX プラットフォームです。全業界全業種向けに規制・開示の要件を満た し、グローバルで整合性のとれたガバナンスを効かせ、サステナビリティ情報開示の早期化と第三者保証取得のた めの内部統制を実現する機能を搭載(※5)しています。
両社はアライアンス契約に基づき、当社のプロダクトの活用を前提とした、サステナビリティ情報開示対応の早 期化を支援いたします。具体的には、DTRA の「ESG ソリューション DX 活用データモデルパッケージ」を活用した データ Gap 分析を通じて、対象となるデータの見極め、対象となるデータの収集・集計・開示・活用の業務プロセス 設計を当社プロダクトで実行するとともに、Fit/Gap 分析を実施します。Fit to Standard で、業務設計からその後シ ステム稼働準備、開示業務ドライランまでの早期化を伴走してまいります。
当社は、グローバルに事業を展開する企業の SX プロジェクトを推進するパートナーとして貢献するとともに、SX に取り組む様々な業界業種の企業と連携し、相乗効果で大きな価値を生み出す“SX エコシステム”を構築させるこ とで、日本社会でのサステナビリティ実現を加速させるべく邁進してまいります。
サステナビリティ 2026 問題とは、サステナビリティ情報の開示義務化に あたって、多くの企業で着手が遅れており、その危機感も不足しているた め、このままでは企業価値の低下につながってしまう懸念がある状況のこ と。 詳細は「日本をサステナビリティ・トランスフォーメーション先進国へ」プロジェクトサイトをご覧ください。
デロイト トーマツ リスクアドバイザリーは、クライアントが適切にリスクテイクし、的確に経営上の課題に対応す るためのサービスを幅広く提供することで、クライアントの持続的な成長に貢献します。また、それを実践するため に、クライアントの経営課題を解決する社会全体の基盤である「専門家の社会インフラ」となることを使命としていま す。
booost 及び BOOOST は、booost technologies 株式会社の登録商標です。
(※1)サステナビリティ ERP「booost Sustainability Cloud」は、自社およびサプライヤーのサステナビリティ情報を管理する“統合型 SX プラットフォーム”です。 国際開示基準に準拠した環境、社会、ガバナンス等の 1,200 以上のデータポイントに対応したサステナビリティ関連情報の収集、集計を自動化し、リアルタイ ムでのモニタリングを可能にします。グローバルに対応したデータガバナンス機能を搭載しており、グループやサプライチェーンを含む組織において多階層の 承認フローの実装が可能であるほか、第三者保証等にも対応すべく設計したプラットフォームであり、サステナビリティ関連情報の開示に向けて発生する各業 務を効率化・最適化する機能をフェーズ毎に包括的に提供しています。提供開始以降、80 ヶ国以上、大企業を中心に約 2,000 社(186,000 拠点以上。2024 年 10 月末時点)に導入されています。
(※2)サステナビリティ・トランスフォーメーション(SX)とは 社会のサステナビリティと企業のサステナビリティを「同期化」させていくこと、及びそのために必要な経営・事業変革(トランスフォーメーション)を指す。「同期 化」とは、社会の持続可能性に資する長期的な価値提供を行うことを通じて、社会の持続可能性の向上を図るとともに、自社の長期的かつ持続的に成長原 資を生み出す力(稼ぐ力)の向上と更なる価値創出へとつなげていくことを意味している。(出典:伊藤レポート 3.0)
(※3)サステナビリティ情報とは サステナビリティの概念は、様々な主体において説明が行われているが、例えば、我が国のコーポレートガバナンス・コードやスチュワードシップ・コードでは、 「ESG 要素を含む中長期的な持続可能性」としている。サステナビリティ情報には、国際的な議論を踏まえると、例えば、環境、社会、従業員、人権の尊重、 腐敗防止、贈収賄防止、ガバナンス、サイバーセキュリティ、データセキュリティなどに関する事項が含まれ得ると考えられている。(出典:金融庁「記述情報の 開示に関する原則(別添)-サステナビリティ情報の開示について-」))
(※4)サステナビリティ 2026 問題とは サステナビリティ情報の開示義務化にあたって、多くの企業で着手が遅れており、その危機感も不足しているため、このままでは企業価値の低下につながっ てしまう懸念がある状況のこと。※詳細は「日本をサステナビリティ・トランスフォーメーション先進国へ」プロジェクトサイトをご覧ください。
※5)プレスリリース「booost Sustainability Cloud」が大企業向け機能を大幅にバージョンアップし SX を加速
booost technologies Inc. (Headquarters: Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Hirokazu Aoi) which supports the acceleration of corporate sustainability transformation (SX) (※2). through the provision of the integrated SX platform "Sustainability ERP) (※1).," has entered into an alliance agreement with Deloitte Tohmatsu Risk Advisory Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Managing Executive Officer: Atsushi Iwamura; hereinafter referred to as "DTRA"). This alliance aims to comprehensively support companies in addressing regulatory compliance for sustainability information (※3) disclosure.
■Background and Purpose of the Partnership
Recently, the disclosure of sustainability information has gained momentum both domestically and internationally, driven by the development and enforcement of standards such as the ISSB (International Sustainability Standards Board), CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive), and SSBJ (Sustainability Standards Board of Japan).
Companies with a market capitalization of over 3 trillion yen are confronting the so-called “Sustainability 2026 Problem (※4).” as mandatory compliance will come into effect for fiscal years from April 1, 2026 (FY ending March 2027). To meet these requirements, companies must establish a clear roadmap for achieving sustainability transformation (SX) by 2026. The transition from voluntary to mandatory disclosure, along with the need for third-party assurance, highlights key challenges such as strengthening internal controls and developing advanced data infrastructure.
In response to these emerging trends, we have entered into an alliance with DTRA to strengthen our support for SX, starting from the disclosure of sustainability information for global companies. Through this strong partnership with DTRA, we aim to promote the adoption of our integrated SX platform, "booost Sustainability Cloud," which will play a key role in addressing the "Sustainability 2026 Issue." By leveraging data, we are committed to advancing sustainability management and contributing to more effective decision-making for our clients.
■Overview of the Alliance
DTRA integrates a serie of key activities such as ESG management strategy, governance, business planning, operations, and disclosure to drive internal transformation within companies. They advocate for "ESG Data-Driven Management" and provide advisory services to support its practical implementation.
The "booost Sustainability Cloud" is our integrated sustainability ERP platform, designed to comply with international and domestic disclosure standards. It automates the collection and aggregation of over 1,200 sustainability data points across areas like environment, social, and governance (ESG), while offering real-time monitoring. This integrated SX platform ensures compliance with regulatory and disclosure requirements across all industries, promotes consistent global governance, accelerates sustainability reporting, and includes internal controls to support third-party verification (※5).
Under this alliance agreement, both companies will work together to speed up sustainability information disclosure by leveraging our products. Specifically, we will use DTRA's "ESG Solution DX-Enabled Data Model Package" to conduct a data gap analysis, identifying the relevant data needed for sustainability reporting. Based on this analysis, we will design the processes for collecting, aggregating, disclosing, and utilizing the data using our products. Additionally, we will carry out a Fit/Gap analysis. By following a Fit to Standard approach, we will guide the entire process, from business design and system preparation to the dry-run phase of disclosure operations, ensuring faster and smoother implementation.
We are committed to supporting global companies in driving their SX projects, while also collaborating with businesses from various industries and sectors involved in SX. By building an "SX Ecosystem" that creates synergistic value, we aim to accelerate the realization of sustainability within Japanese society.
■(Reference)Sustainability 2026 Issue
The Sustainability 2026 Issue refers to the concern that many companies have delayed addressing the mandatory disclosure of sustainability information and lack a sense of urgency. If this continues, it could lead to a decline in corporate value.
For more details, please visit the "Towards Making Japan a Leader in Sustainability Transformation" project site.
■(Reference) Trends in Domestic and International Sustainability Information Disclosure
Recently, trends in sustainability information disclosure have gained significant momentum. The European Commission's CSRD, set to apply from the 2024 fiscal year, will affect certain companies, including Japanese firms with subsidiaries in Europe. Meanwhile, the ISSB introduced the IFRS sustainability disclosure standards in June 2023, which took effect on January 1, 2024. These developments are shaping the global landscape of sustainability reporting and impacting companies worldwide.
In Japan, the SSBJ is advancing the development of the SSBJ standards, which are set to be the Japanese equivalent of the IFRS sustainability disclosure standards. Starting in the fiscal year ending March 2027, companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market with a market capitalization of over 3 trillion yen will be required to disclose sustainability information in their securities reports. By the fiscal year ending March 2028, this requirement will extend to companies with a market capitalization exceeding 1 trillion yen. As part of these disclosures, companies must also compile information from their suppliers. This brings several urgent challenges for businesses, including accelerating disclosure processes, establishing internal controls for third-party assurance, and developing an integrated sustainability information platform that covers both domestic and international data. These steps are critical for ensuring compliance and driving sustainability efforts in the near future.
Moreover, sustainability information offers valuable insights into a company’s future sustainability-related risks and opportunities. To achieve long-term growth in corporate value through effective sustainability management, it is essential to monitor this data in real-time, just as with financial information, rather than gathering it once a year. Actively integrating sustainability data into business strategies is key. Leading companies in sustainability are already moving beyond using data solely for disclosure. They are strategically leveraging both financial and sustainability information to guide their management decisions.
■About Deloitte Tohmatsu Risk Advisory LLC
Deloitte Tohmatsu Risk Advisory offers a broad range of services to help clients take calculated risks and effectively address management challenges, contributing to their long-term growth. Their mission is to become a "social infrastructure of experts," providing a foundation for solving management issues that benefits society as a whole.
■About Booost Technologies Inc.
Our company develops and provides the integrated SX platform, "booost Sustainability Cloud," a sustainability ERP (※1) that automates the collection and aggregation of sustainability information and enables real-time monitoring. The platform is compliant with international disclosure standards and covers over 1,200 data points related to environmental, social, governance (ESG) factors. "booost Sustainability Cloud" features global data governance capabilities and supports multi-level approval flows within organizations, including groups and supply chains. Designed to facilitate third-party verification, it comprehensively offers features that streamline and optimize processes related to sustainability information disclosure across different phases. Since its launch, the platform has been adopted by approximately 2,000 companies in over 80 countries, covering more than 186,000 locations (as of October 2024).
Additionally, we offer sustainability consulting services, supporting companies in driving their SX (Sustainability Transformation) projects and contributing to enhancing corporate value.
<Company Profile>
Company Name: booost technologies inc.
Location: Shin-Osaki Kangyo Building 10F, 1-6-4 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
Established: April 15, 2015
Representative: Hirokazu Aoi, President, and Representative Director
Capital: 100 million yen (as of June 30, 2023)
Development and operation of “boost Sustainability Cloud
Providing sustainability consulting services
Corporate website: https://booost-tech.com/
Booost and BOOOST are registered trademarks of Booost Technologies Inc.
■About booost technologies, Inc.
<Company Overview>
Company Name: booost technologies inc.
Location: Shin-Osaki Kangyo Building 10F, 1-6-4 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
Established: April 15, 2015
Representative: Hirokazu Aoi, President, and Representative Director
Capital: 100 million yen (as of June 30, 2023)
Development and operation of “boost Sustainability Cloud
Provision of sustainability consulting services
Corporate website: https://booost-tech.com/
(※1) The sustainability ERP "booost Sustainability Cloud" is an integrated SX platform designed to manage sustainability information for both companies and their suppliers. It automates the collection and aggregation of over 1,200 data points related to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors, in compliance with international disclosure standards, and enables real-time monitoring. The platform features global data governance capabilities, supporting multi-level approval flows within organizations, including groups and supply chains. It is also designed to accommodate third-party verification and optimize sustainability disclosure processes in phases. Since its launch, "booost Sustainability Cloud" has been adopted by approximately 2,000 companies, primarily large enterprises, across more than 80 countries, with over 186,000 locations as of October 2024.
(※2) Sustainability Transformation (SX) refers to aligning the sustainability of society with that of companies, as well as the necessary management and business transformations to achieve this alignment. "Alignment" means enhancing social sustainability through the long-term value provided by companies, while also improving their ability to generate long-term, sustainable growth (profitability) and creating further value. (Source: Ito Report 3.0)
(※3) Sustainability Information
The concept of sustainability is explained by various stakeholders. For example, Japan's Corporate Governance Code and Stewardship Code define it as "long-term sustainability that includes ESG elements." Based on international discussions, sustainability information may include topics such as the environment, society, employees, human rights, anti-corruption, anti-bribery, governance, cybersecurity, and data security. (Source: Financial Services Agency, "Principles for Disclosure of Descriptive Information (Appendix) – Disclosure of Sustainability Information")
(※4) The Sustainability 2026 Issue refers to the concern that many companies have delayed acting on the mandatory disclosure of sustainability information and lack sufficient awareness of the urgency. As a result, there is a risk that this could lead to a decline in corporate value. For more details, please visit the "Towards Making Japan a Leader in Sustainability Transformation" project site.
(※5) Press Release: "booost Sustainability Cloud" Significantly Upgraded with New Features for Large Enterprises to Accelerate SX
booost technologies株式会社 広報
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