統合型SXプラットフォーム「サステナビリティERP*」の提供により、企業のSXの加速を支援するbooost technologies株式会社(東京都品川区、代表取締役:青井宏憲 以下 当社)は、統合型SXプラットフォームサステナビリティERP「booost Sustainability Cloud」を、11月1日に大幅バージョンアップしました。
Japanese followed by English translation
グローバルで事業展開する大企業を対象にISSB(International Sustainability Standards Board:国際サステナビリティ基準審議会)、CSRD(Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive:企業サステナビリティ報告指令)、SSBJ(Sustainability Standards Board of Japan:サステナビリティ基準委員会)の対応等、国内外でサステナビリティ情報に関する開示義務化が進行しつつある中で、本バージョンアップでは、サステナビリティ情報収集の効率化と正確性の強化による「サステナビリティ情報開示の早期化」、「グローバルガバナンスに基づく第三者保証取得のための内部統制」、集計データから課題を抽出し経営に活かすための「サステナビリティ情報分析の高度化」の3つの観点での対策強化を支援し、SX推進をさらに加速するための新機能、「booost Data Governance(ブースト データ ガバナンス)」と「booost Intelligence(ブースト インテリジェンス)」をリリースしました。
<booost Data Governance>
○ サステナビリティ情報開示の早期化
○ グローバルガバナンスに基づく第三者保証取得のための内部統制
○ サステナビリティ情報収集の効率化と正確性の強化
○ 審査機関のニーズに基づいた保証取得の容易化と短期化
<booost Intelligence>
○ サステナビリティ情報分析の高度化
○ SX取り組み状況のリアルタイム・モニタリングの実現
サステナビリティERP*「booost Sustainability Cloud」は、自社およびサプライヤーのサステナビリティ情報を管理する“統合型SXプラットフォーム”です。国際開示基準に準拠した環境、社会、ガバナンス等の1,200以上のデータポイントに対応したサステナビリティ関連情報の収集、集計を自動化し、リアルタイムでのモニタリングを可能にします。
booost及びBOOOSTは、booost technologies株式会社の登録商標です。
*サステナビリティERP: グローバル企業におけるサステナビリティ情報管理のあり方を最適化する「統合型SXプラットフォーム」。CSRDやISSB等、国内外のサステナビリティ開示基準や規制への対応をはじめ、企業価値向上が求められるエンタープライズ企業のSX(サステナビリティ トランスフォーメーション),GX(グリーン トランスフォーメーション)の加速に貢献。
※ERPとは:Enterprise Resource Planning(企業資源計画)の略語で、企業活動におけるあらゆる情報を連携・集約した統合基幹業務システムのこと。販売、財務、人事・給与、在庫購買、生産等の領域でデータを管理し、企業の基幹情報を、統合的かつリアルタイムに処理し、経営の最適化を図る経営概念のこと。
booost technologies Inc. (Shinagawa, Tokyo, CEO: Hirokazu Aoi), which supports the acceleration of corporate Sustainability Transformation (SX) through its integrated SX platform "Sustainability ERP," has significantly upgraded the integrated SX platform "booost Sustainability Cloud" as of November 1.
To address the evolving mandatory sustainability disclosure requirements for large global enterprises —including compliance with ISSB (International Sustainability Standards Board), CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive), and SSBJ (Sustainability Standards Board of Japan)— we have enhanced our Sustainability Cloud version. In this enhanced version, we have implemented two new features — “booost Data Governance” and “booost Intelligence”— designed to strengthen three key areas: "faster sustainability disclosure" through efficient and accurate data collection, "internal controls" for obtaining third-party assurance based on global governance, and "advanced sustainability data analysis" to identify issues from aggregated data and inform management strategies.
Through the significant upgrade of our integrated SX platform, "Sustainability ERP," we aim to contribute as a partner in promoting SX projects for global enterprises that are at the forefront of sustainability efforts. Our commitment is to accelerate the realization of sustainability in Japan.
■We have released two new features: "booost Data Governance" and "booost Intelligence."
<booost Data Governance>
Features that meet regulatory and disclosure requirements across all industries while ensuring globally consistent governance. These capabilities enable faster sustainability information disclosure and establish internal controls for obtaining third-party assurance.
Areas of focus:
・Accelerating sustainability information disclosure
・Establishing internal controls for obtaining third-party assurance based on global governance
Enhanced efficiency and accuracy in sustainability information collection:
Streamlining and Accelerating Assurance Acquisition Based on Reviewer Needs:
<booost Intelligence>
Real-Time Advanced Analytics Features to enhance corporate value.
Accurate Issue Identification to identify precise challenges and incorporate them into sustainability management strategies.
Scope of Support:
Advanced Sustainability Information Analysis
Real-Time Monitoring of SX Initiatives:
■Background of the Version Upgrade (Trends in Sustainability Information Disclosure)
Recent trends in sustainability information disclosure have become increasingly active both domestically and internationally. The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), initiated by the European Commission, will start to apply to certain companies from the fiscal year 2024, which will also affect Japanese companies with local subsidiaries in Europe. Additionally, the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) established the IFRS sustainability disclosure standards in June 2023, which took effect on January 1, 2024.
In Japan, the Sustainability Standards Board of Japan (SSBJ) is actively developing the SSBJ standards, which are intended to serve as the Japanese equivalent of the IFRS sustainability disclosure standards. Disclosure through securities reports is expected to be mandated for companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market with a market capitalization of over 3 trillion yen starting from the fiscal year ending March 2027. Furthermore, the scope of application is expected to extend to companies with a market capitalization exceeding 1 trillion yen by the fiscal year ending March 2028, with finalization projected for March 2025.
Moreover, companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange's Prime Market, mandated to adhere to the SSBJ standards, are required to aggregate sustainability information from their suppliers when disclosing relevant data. Thus, there is an urgent need for these companies to accelerate their disclosure processes, implement internal controls for third-party assurance, and establish a data infrastructure that integrates global sustainability information.
In fact, sustainability-related information offers insights into a company's actual and potential environmental and social impacts, along with associated financial risks and opportunities. Therefore, it is essential to monitor this data in real-time, including financial information, rather than aggregating it annually to achieve sustainable management and long-term corporate value enhancement. By integrating these insights into sustainable management strategies, leading sustainability-focused companies are already taking steps to strategically utilize sustainability-related information alongside financial data, going beyond merely using data for disclosure purposes.
Based on current and future trends, achieving genuine sustainable management necessitates strengthening measures in three key areas for companies to comply with ISSB, CSRD, and SSBJ: 1) accelerating sustainability information disclosure; 2) realizing third-party assurance based on global governance; and 3) enhancing analytics. Considering this, we have implemented a significant upgrade to our product.
The “booost Sustainability Cloud,” a sustainability ERP*, serves as an integrated SX platform for managing both company and supplier sustainability information. It automates the collection and aggregation of over 1,200 sustainability-related data points concerning environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors, in alignment with international disclosure standards, allowing for real-time monitoring.
Equipped with global data governance features, the platform allows for the implementation of multi-tiered approval workflows across organizations, including groups and supply chains. Designed to accommodate third-party assurance and other requirements, it comprehensively provides functionalities to streamline and optimize operations related to sustainability information disclosure at each phase.
Since the launch of our Sustainability Cloud, it has been implemented by around 2,000 companies across over 180,000 locations in more than 80 countries, predominantly among large enterprises, as of the end of October 2024.
The “booost Sustainability Cloud,” a sustainability ERP*, serves as an integrated SX platform for managing both company and supplier sustainability information. It automates the collection and aggregation of over 1,200 sustainability-related data points concerning environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors, in alignment with international disclosure standards, allowing for real-time monitoring.
Equipped with global data governance features, the platform allows for the implementation of multi-tiered approval workflows across organizations, including groups and supply chains. Designed to accommodate third-party assurance and other requirements, it comprehensively provides functionalities to streamline and optimize operations related to sustainability information disclosure at each phase.
Since the launch of our Sustainability Cloud, it has been implemented by around 2,000 companies across over 180,000 locations in more than 80 countries, predominantly among large enterprises, as of the end of October 2024.
Service website: https://booost-tech.com/solutions
<Company Profile>
Company Name: booost technologies inc.
Location: Shin-Osaki Kangyo Building 10F, 1-6-4 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
Established: April 15, 2015
Representative: Hirokazu Aoi, President, and Representative Director
Capital: 100 million yen (as of June 30, 2023)
Development and operation of “boost Sustainability Cloud
Provision of sustainability consulting services
Corporate website: https://booost-tech.com/
booost and BOOOST are registered trademarks of booost technologies inc.
* Sustainability ERP: An “integrated SX platform” that optimizes sustainability information management for global enterprises. It supports compliance with domestic and international sustainability disclosure standards such as CSRD and ISSB and contributes to accelerating SX (Sustainability Transformation) and GX (Green Transformation) for companies aiming to enhance corporate value.
ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning, a system that integrates and aggregates all business information across areas such as sales, finance, human resources, inventory, and production. It enables real-time processing of core business data to optimize management and operations.
booost technologies株式会社 広報
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