



グローバル80カ国、18万拠点で利用されている「booost Sustainability Cloud」を活用して、

 シェアNo.1*1のサステナビリティERP(ESG情報開示ソリューション、GHG排出量可視化ソリューション)を運営するbooost technologies株式会社(東京都品川区、代表取締役:青井宏憲 以下 当社)は、初となる自社の「サステナビリティレポート(以後 本レポート)」を、2024年8月20日に当社ホームページに公開いたしました。
Japanese followed by English translation

Sustainability Report 2024

 当社は、サステナビリティ経営の加速を支援するためのプラットフォーム「booost Sustainability Cloud」およびコンサルティングサービスの提供を通し、企業のSX支援を行っています。当社は、非上場企業ではありますが、サステナビリティ基準委員会(SSBJ)による国内開示基準の策定と、有価証券報告書での開示義務化への動向に先駆け、自社のプロダクトである「booost Sustainability Cloud」およびサステナビリティコンサルティングサービスの提供を通し培ったナレッジを活用し、全社的なプロジェクトとして、本レポートの策定および開示に取り組みました。なお、今回、CO2排出量算定結果に関しては、第三者保証も取得しております。



 非財務情報の開示に関する国内外の動向は昨今活発化しており、欧州委員会が中心となり取り組みを開始したCSRD(Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive:企業サステナビリティ報告指令)は、2024年度から一部の企業への適用が開始され、欧州に現地法人がある日本企業が対象となるケースもあります。またISSB(International Sustainability Standards Board:国際サステナビリティ基準審議会)は、2023年6月にIFRSのサステナビリティ開示基準を策定し、2024年1月1日より発効されています。

 国内においても、SSBJ(Sustainability Standards Board of Japan:サステナビリティ基準委員会)が、IFRSサステナビリティ開示基準の日本版と位置付けられるSSBJ基準の策定を進めており、2027年3月期より東証プライム市場上場企業のうち時価総額3兆円以上の企業から有価証券報告書での開示が義務化される見込みであり、2028年3月期には1兆円以上の企業に適用が広げられる予定です(2025年3月までに最終化)。






 本レポートは、下記に記載する4つのマテリアリティ(重要課題)ごとにサステナビリティ情報を集約し、開示しています。なお「温室効果ガス排出量削減と気候変動」におけるGHG排出量の算定は自社プロダクト「booost Sustainability Cloud」を活用するとともに、「第三者保証」を取得しています。


対象拠点:booost technologies全拠点(東京本社、大阪事務所)

   マテリアリティ  選定理由




 2 人的資本 当社のようなスタートアップ企業では
 3 プロダクト・サービス品質/知財戦略/データセキュリティ 当社はSaaSビジネスを行っていることから、プロダクト・サービスの品質とサービス優位性を確保するための知財戦略ならびに個人情報を含むデータセキュリティは、ビジネス継続の根幹となるため
 4 ステークホルダーとの共創



参考 第三者保証について



➀ SX委員会の活動



booost Sustainability Cloud

② 自社のプロダクトやコンサルティングサービスの活用

 今回、「マテリアリティ1:温室効果ガス排出量削減と気候変動」内の自社のGHG排出量可視化と削減(参照:本レポート19P)に関しては、SX委員会の環境ワーキンググループの活動として、自社のプロダクト「booost Sustainability Cloud」やサステナビリティコンサルティングサービスを活用しながら実施しました。環境ワーキンググループのメンバーは、部署を限定せず募った有志の社員によって構成され、算定の知識を実践する場として位置づけました。

③ 全社員によるグループワークの開催

 経産省が示す、企業と投資家の対話のための「価値協創ガイダンス 2.0」*3のフレームワークをベースに、開示内容の体系的・統合的な整理およびステークホルダーとの対話の質を高めるため、本レポート原稿の改善点を出し合い、編集の参考にしました。



■booost technologies「Sustainability Report 2024」の内容

和文: https://speakerdeck.com/booost/sustainability-report-2024-booost-technolgieszhu-shi-hui-she
英文: https://speakerdeck.com/booost/sustainability-report-2024-booost-technologies-inc


1.  CEOのメッセージ
2.  ガバナンスとマテリアリティ
   ・サステナビリティERP「booost Sustainability Cloud」の開発・提供
  >Future Design本部 本部長メッセージ

3.  今後の展開

■「booost Sustainability Cloud」について

「booost Sustainability Cloud」について

  「booost Sustainability Cloud」は、サステナビリティ経営の加速を支援するためのプラットフォームで、シェNo.1*1の ESG情報開示ソリューション 、GHG排出量可視化ソリューションです。構成アプリケーションとして、CO2排出量の見える化・カーボンオフセット・報告レポート等のGX(グリーン・トランスフォーメーション)を促進する「booost GX」、サプライチェーン全体のCO2排出量の見える化を実現する「booost Supplier」、ESGの開示項目を見える化しESGパフォーマンス向上につなげる「booost ESG」、 CO2フリー電力等の調達や供給を可能とする「booost Energy」を展開しています。



「環境経営を推進するESG情報開示ソリューション市場動向 2022年度版(2023年2月発刊) https://mic-r.co.jp/mr/02670/」
ESG情報開示ソリューション全体のベンダー売上/シェア推移、 GHG排出量可視化ソリューションのベンダー売上/シェア推移


*2 NET-ZERO・サステナビリティリーダー: NET-ZERO・サステナビリティの実現に向けて先進的に取り組み、各業界を牽引する個人や企業


*3 価値協創ガイダンス:企業と投資家を繋ぐ「共通⾔語」であり、企業(企業経営者)が、投資家に伝えるべき情報(経営理念やビジネスモ


booost Technologies Unveils Its First "Sustainability Report"
Using the "booost Sustainability Cloud" Across 180,000 Sites in 80 Countries
Company-Wide Project Implemented Before New Mandatory Sustainability Disclosures

booost technologies Inc. (Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Hironori Aoi; hereinafter "our company"), the No. 1 (*1) in sustainability ERP solutions (including ESG information disclosure and GHG emissions visualization), published its first "Sustainability Report" (hereinafter "this Report") on its website in August 20 2024.

Click here to download the full version

Our first Sustainability Report has been disclosed as a company-wide initiative using the expertise gained from our “booost Sustainability Cloud” platform and our sustainability consulting services.


As a privately-held company, we have developed the “booost Sustainability Cloud”—a leading sustainability ERP solution. Our platform provides comprehensive Sustainability Transformation (SX) support and helps companies to accelerate their sustainability management. We provide our solution alongside consulting services to address the upcoming domestic disclosure standards from the Sustainability Standards Board of Japan (SSBJ) and the trend toward mandatory disclosure in annual securities reports. We have also obtained third-party assurance for the CO2 emissions calculation results.


Our company will continue to actively promote Green Transformation (GX) and Sustainability Transformation (SX) in Japan, driving sustainable and inclusive development through collaboration with our stakeholders and partnerships with all involved parties.



■Trends in Sustainability Information Disclosure

Recent trends in the disclosure of non-financial information have become increasingly active both domestically and internationally.


Internationally, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), led by the European Commission, requires all large and all listed companies to disclose information on their social and environmental impacts effective from the 2024 fiscal year. Certain non-EU companies, including potentially Japanese companies with local subsidiaries in Europe, will also be required to submit a report if their revenue on the EU market exceeds EUR 150 million.

Additionally, the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) -an independent organization that creates global standards for sustainability reporting- issued its first two IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards (IFRS S1 and IFRS S2) in June 2023, which went into effect on January 1, 2024.


Domestically, the Sustainability Standards Board of Japan (SSBJ) is working on their new SSBJ standards, which will be the Japanese version of the IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards. These standards are expected to become mandatory for companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market with a market capitalization of over 3 trillion yen starting from the fiscal year ending March 2027. The requirement is anticipated to expand to companies with a market capitalization of over 1 trillion yen by the fiscal year ending March 2028 (with finalization by March 2025).


As the trend toward mandatory disclosure of non-financial information grows both domestically and internationally, companies are required to adhere to standards such as the SSBJ guidelines. Those listed on the TSE Prime Market must also compile information from their supplier companies when reporting non-financial data. Consequently, establishing internal controls and developing a global non-financial integrated data infrastructure have become pressing issues.




■Background of this report

In addition to advancing Sustainability Transformation (SX) through our business operations, our company has undertaken its own Sustainability Transformation to disclose sustainability information to our stakeholders. We have proactively written and published this report using our own services. This is a company-wide project, strategically undertaken in anticipation of the forthcoming expansion of mandatory sustainability information disclosure requirements. Our goal is to lead the sustainability transformation and create positive economic, environmental, and social impacts.

Stakeholders include not only investors but also a broad spectrum of groups, such as clients, employees, and other key parties. The content of the report has been carefully selected to ensure a comprehensive and mutually beneficial impact.



■Outline of this report

This report consolidates and discloses sustainability-related information across the four key materialities (issues) listed below. The calculation of GHG emissions under the “Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction and Climate Change” section was conducted using our in-house product, the “booost Sustainability Cloud”, and has been verified by a third-party assurance.


Period covered: February 2023 to January 2024 (including some of the latest data up to July 2024)

Sites covered: All booost technologies locations (Tokyo head office and Osaka office)

Our materiality:

  materiality Reasons for selection

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction and Climate Change

When considering sustainability for society and customers, addressing climate change is the top priority.
2 Human Capital

For startups like ours, it is crucial for employees to maintain psychological safety while enhancing their abilities and maximizing their potential.

3 Product/Service Quality, Intellectual Property Strategy, and Data Security As a SaaS business, ensuring product and service quality, along with a robust intellectual property strategy and data security (including personal information), is fundamental to our business continuity.
4 Co-creation with Stakeholders

Achieving societal sustainability requires collaboration with a wide range of stakeholders.


btaining Third-Party Assurance:

Third-party assurance of CO2 emissions refers to the process by which independent experts or organizations evaluate the fairness and accuracy of the GHG emissions reported by a company. With the advancement of ESG investments, the importance of non-financial information has increased, and third-party assurance is implemented to ensure its reliability.


For this report, we obtained third-party assurance from Sustainability Accounting Co., Ltd. regarding our GHG emissions calculations. This assurance includes validating the accuracy of our disclosed information and reflects our commitment to embodying decarbonization management (see page 20 of this report).
Reference: Third-party assurance



■Company-Wide Efforts in Report Creation

➀ SX Committee Initiatives

Our company integrates environmental and social perspectives into our business activities to address sustainability issues, including climate change, and to create lasting business value. We have established a governance structure centred around the SX Committee to ensure that these activities are managed with appropriate judgment and controls. We set up working groups for themes of high importance, which examine various issues and develop and implement action plans (see page 8 of this report). The creation of this report was also driven by the SX Committee, which has documented the activities and achievements of each working group.


② Utilization of Our Products and Consulting Services

For "Materiality 1: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction and Climate Change" (see page 19 of this report), we addressed the visualization and reduction of our GHG emissions as part of the environmental working group's activities under the SX Committee. This was achieved by using our product, "booost Sustainability Cloud," and our sustainability consulting services. The environmental working group was composed of volunteer employees from various departments and was established as a platform for applying their expertise in emissions calculations.


③ Company-Wide Group Work Sessions

During the report writing process, we conducted group work sessions involving all employees to examine the structure and content of the report. Based on the framework of the "Value Co-Creation Guidance 2.0"(*3) provided by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, we carefully structured the information in the report to improve our communication with stakeholders. The feedback we gathered during group work sessions helped us identify areas that needed improvement. We then used these insights to make the necessary edits to the report.


A record of this activity is posted on the “note” page. It is being updated as needed.Please look.
Note: “Struggles of the ‘SX Committee’ of Sustainable Tech Company!



■Content of “Sustainability Report 2024” by booost technologies

〈Homepage URL〉

Japanese: https://speakerdeck.com/booost/sustainability-report-2024-booost-technolgieszhu-shi-hui-she

English: https://speakerdeck.com/booost/sustainability-report-2024-booost-technologies-inc


〈Table of Contents〉

1. Message from the CEO

2. Governance and Materiality

- CSuO Message

- Governance

- Materiality1: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction and Climate Change

 ・ COO Message

 ・ booost's business and achievements

  Design and implementation of Sustainability ERP "booost Sustainability Cloud"

  Trends in ARR and KPIs

 ・ booost's Internal Calculation Results

  Our Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Targets

  First Japanese company to receive SBT certification for its 2035 NET-ZERO target!

  Visualization and Reduction of Our GHG Emissions

- Materiality 2: Human Capital

 ・ Message from the General Manager, Head of Future Design Division

  Seven Core Values

   Productivity (Professional Team Development)



  Promotion of Women's Participation

- Materiality 3: Product/Service Quality, Intellectual Property Strategy, and Data Security

 ・ CTO Message 

  System for Updating Product/Service Quality

  IP Strategy

  Data security

- Materiality 4: Co-creation with stakeholders

 ・ Creation of a SLC

 ・ Development of Sustainable Procurement policy

3. Future developments

 - Impact on society

 - Internal Initiatives



■About “booost Sustainability Cloud“

"booost Sustainability Cloud" is a platform designed to accelerate sustainability management. It is the No. 1(*1) solution for ESG information disclosure and GHG emissions visualization. The platform includes several applications, such as "booost GX," which promotes Green Transformation (GX) by visualizing CO2 emissions, enabling carbon offsetting, and generating reporting; "booost Supplier," which provides visibility into CO2 emissions across the entire supply chain; "booost ESG," which visualizes ESG disclosure items and helps improve ESG performance; and "booost Energy," which enables the procurement and supply of CO2-free electricity.

Service website


■About us

To leave a sustainable future for the next generation, we aim to achieve NET-ZERO through the power of technology. We offer the No. 1 (*1) sustainability ERP ("ESG Information Disclosure Solution" and "GHG Emissions Visualization Solution"), "booost Sustainability Cloud." The platform includes several applications such as "booost GX," which promotes Green Transformation (GX) by visualizing CO2 emissions, enabling carbon offsetting, and generating reports; "booost Supplier," which provides visibility into CO2 emissions across the entire supply chain; "booost ESG," which visualizes ESG disclosure items and helps improve ESG performance; and "booost Energy," which enables the procurement and supply of CO2-free electricity.

Additionally, we offer consulting services in the sustainability field, providing comprehensive support for NET-ZERO and sustainability leaders (*2) in their Sustainability Transformation (SX).


〈Company Profile〉

Company name: booost technologies inc.

Location: Shin-Osaki Kangyo Building 10F, 1-6-4 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo

Established: April 15, 2015

Representative: Hironori Aoi, President and Representative Director

Capital: 100 million yen (as of June 30, 2023)

Business description: Development and operation of booost Sustainability Cloud (booost GX, booost Supplier, booost ESG, booost Energy)

Corporate website: https://booost-tech.com/


*1 Deloitte Tohmatsu Mick Economic Research Institute
ESG Information Disclosure Solution Market Trends to Promote Environmental Management FY2022 Edition (published in February 2023): https://mic-r.co.jp/mr/02670/
endor sales/share transition of overall ESG information disclosure solutions, vendor sales/share transition of GHG emissions visualization solutions


*2 NET-ZERO Sustainability Leaders: Individuals and companies that are leading their respective industries through progressive efforts to realize NET-ZERO Sustainability
NET-ZERO: CO2 emissions are reduced to the limit, and the residual is subtracted by absorption and removal to bring the total to zero.


*3 Value Creation Guidance: A “common language” that links companies and investors, and is a system of information (management philosophy, business model, strategy,
governance, etc.) that companies (corporate managers) should communicate to investors.
It is a guide for companies (corporate management) to systematically and comprehensively organize the information to be communicated to investors (management philosophy, business model, strategy, governance, etc.), and to enhance the quality of information disclosure and dialogue with investors.
he overall picture of the “Value Creation Guidance” framework: a “common language” that shares the philosophy of the Value Creation Guidance.


booost technologies株式会社 マーケティング部(広報)

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