統合型SXプラットフォーム「サステナビリティERP(※1)」の提供により企業のサステナビリティ・トランスフォーメーション(SX)(※2)の加速を支援するbooost technologies株式会社(東京都品川区、代表取締役:青井宏憲 以下 当社)は、CSRD(企業持続可能性報告指令)および、ESRS(欧州サステナビリティ報告基準)の開示対応に向けて、EUの持続可能性報告基準を策定・更新し、欧州委員会に助言を行う民間団体、EFRAG(欧州財務報告諮問グループEuropean Financial Reporting Advisory Group:EFRAG)のイニシアティブである「Friends of EFRAG」に2024年9月に日本企業として初めて加盟いたしましたので、お知らせいたします。
当社は、国際開示基準に準拠した環境、社会、ガバナンス等の1,200以上のデータポイントに対応したサステナビリティ情報の収集、集計を自動化し、リアルタイムでのモニタリングを可能とする統合型SXプラットフォーム、サステナビリティERP「booost Sustainability Cloud」の開発提供を行っています。サステナビリティERPの提供を通じて、企業のサプライヤーやグループ会社を含むグローバルかつ広範なサステナビリティデータ収集および分析をすることにより、情報開示の効率化やデータに基づく企業価値の向上を支援しています。
持続可能な社会の実現に向け、グローバル展開を行う日本企業のESG経営を推進してきた当社が「Friends of EFRAG」に加盟し、欧州における財務および持続可能性の報告基準のより深い知識やノウハウを得ることが、顧客のCSRD/ESRSへの対応を加速させるための重要な一歩であると考え、この度加盟をする運びとなりました。
日本企業として初めて「Friends of EFRAG」に加盟することで、以下のように欧州持続可能性報告強化の実現に貢献をし、企業価値の向上と持続可能なビジネスモデルの構築を目指すとともに、ESG開示におけるリーディングカンパニーの地位を確立して参ります。
booost及びBOOOSTは、booost technologies株式会社の登録商標です。
(※1)サステナビリティERP「booost Sustainability Cloud」は、自社およびサプライヤーのサステナビリティ情報を管理する“統合型SXプラットフォーム”です。国際開示基準に準拠した環境、社会、ガバナンス等の1,200以上のデータポイントに対応したサステナビリティ関連情報の収集、集計を自動化し、リアルタイムでのモニタリングを可能にします。グローバルに対応したデータガバナンス機能を搭載しており、グループやサプライチェーンを含む組織において多階層の承認フローの実装が可能であるほか、第三者保証等にも対応すべく設計したプラットフォームであり、サステナビリティ関連情報の開示に向けて発生する各業務を効率化・最適化する機能をフェーズ毎に包括的に提供しています。提供開始以降、80ヶ国以上、大企業を中心に約2,000社(186,000拠点以上。2024年10月末時点)に導入されています。
(※3)CSRD:Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive(企業サステナビリティ報告指令) ,ESRS:European Sustainability Reporting Standards(欧州サステナビリティ報告基準)
booost technologies Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shinagawa, Tokyo; CEO: Hirokazu Aoi; hereafter referred to as "the Company"), which provides the integrated SX platform "Sustainability ERP" (※1) to accelerate corporate Sustainability Transformation (SX) (※2), is pleased to announce that in September 2024, it became the first Japanese company to join the "Friends of EFRAG" initiative. This initiative is led by the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG), a private organization responsible for developing and updating EU sustainability reporting standards and providing recommendations to the European Commission in preparation for compliance with the CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) and ESRS (European Sustainability Reporting Standards).
■Background and Purpose of Joining "Friends of EFRAG
booost technologies develops and provides the integrated SX platform, "Booost Sustainability Cloud", a Sustainability ERP that automates the collection and aggregation of over 1,200 data points related to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) information in compliance with international reporting standards. This platform enables real-time monitoring of sustainability data.
Through the provision of Sustainability ERP, we support companies in efficiently collecting and analysing extensive sustainability data on a global scale, including data from suppliers and group companies. This helps streamline information disclosure processes and enhances corporate value based on data-driven insights.
In recent years, the mandatory disclosure of non-financial information by companies has been accelerating. Particularly in the EU, the implementation of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), a new regulatory framework requiring large corporations to disclose their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) impacts, has made ESG reporting a legal obligation. This marks a significant transformation in the global regulatory environment. While these new regulations pose considerable challenges, they simultaneously present an opportunity to enter in a new era of sustainable capitalism.
In our commitment to realizing a sustainable society, our company has actively promoted ESG management for Japanese companies operating globally. By joining the "Friends of EFRAG" initiative, we aim to acquire deeper knowledge and expertise in European financial and sustainability reporting standards. We believe this marks a significant step forward in accelerating our clients' compliance with CSRD and ESRS requirements.
By becoming the first Japanese company to join the "Friends of EFRAG" initiative, we aim to contribute to strengthening European sustainability reporting practices, enhance corporate value, and build sustainable business models. Additionally, we seek to establish our position as a leading company in ESG disclosure through the following efforts:
Our company develops and provides an integrated SX platform, the Sustainability ERP "booost Sustainability Cloud", which automates the collection and aggregation of sustainability data, covering over 1,200 data points related to environment, society, governance, and more. The platform also enables real-time monitoring. The "booost Sustainability Cloud" is equipped with data governance features suitable for global use, supporting multi-layered approval workflows within organizations, including groups and supply chains. It is designed to accommodate third-party assurance processes and provides comprehensive functionalities to streamline and optimize tasks related to sustainability reporting across different phases. Since its launch, the platform has been adopted by approximately 2,000 companies and over 186,000 locations in more than 80 countries (as of October 2024), mainly by large enterprises. Additionally, we are expanding our sustainability consulting services and supporting businesses in driving sustainability transformation (SX), contributing to enhancing corporate value.
<Company Profile>
Company Name: booost technologies inc.
Location: Shin-Osaki Kangyo Building 10F, 1-6-4 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
Established: April 15, 2015
Representative: Hirokazu Aoi, President, and Representative Director
Capital: 100 million yen (as of June 30, 2023)
Development and operation of “boost Sustainability Cloud
Provision of sustainability consulting services
Corporate website: https://booost-tech.com/
booost and BOOOST are registered trademarks of booost technologies inc.
(※1) The Sustainability ERP "booost Sustainability Cloud" is an integrated SX platform for managing sustainability information of both the company and its suppliers. It automates the collection and aggregation of sustainability-related data, including more than 1,200 data points related to environment, society, governance, etc., in compliance with international disclosure standards. The platform enables real-time monitoring and features global data governance capabilities, allowing for multi-layered approval workflows within organizations, including those in supply chains. It is designed to accommodate third-party verification and streamline/optimize operations related to sustainability data disclosure, offering comprehensive functions in phases. Since its launch, it has been introduced to approximately 2,000 companies (with over 186,000 sites as of October 2024) across more than 80 countries, mainly large corporations.
(※2) Sustainability Transformation (SX) refers to the synchronization of societal sustainability and corporate sustainability, as well as the necessary business and management transformations to achieve this. "Synchronization" means improving societal sustainability through the provision of long-term value that contributes to social sustainability while enhancing the company's ability to generate long-term, sustainable growth (profitability) and drive further value creation. (Source: Ito Report 3.0)
(※3) CSRD: Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, ESRS: European Sustainability Reporting Standards.
booost technologies株式会社 広報
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