



海外排出原単位データベース「ecoinvent Database」対応、235の国や地域ごとの排出量管理、25言語対応を開始

Climate Techカンパニーbooost technologies株式会社(東京都品川区、代表取締役:青井宏憲 以下 当社)が運営開発する、NET-ZEROの実現に向けて先進的に取り組み各業界を牽引する「NET-ZEROリーダー(*1)」が選ぶ、カーボンマネジメントプラットフォーム『ENERGY X GREEN』は、海外拠点を持つ企業向けグローバルプランの提供を開始しました。

網羅性・汎用性・信頼性の高い海外排出原単位データベース「ecoinvent Database(エコインベント データベース)」への対応や、7つのリージョン、235の国や地域ごとの排出量管理と25言語対応が可能となり、海外拠点を含むサプライチェーンの、粒度の高い、CO2等排出量の可視化・管理・オフセット・報告レポートの一元管理を実現し、各国に取引先を持つグローバル企業の脱炭素化を加速させます。


■『ENERGY X GREEN』海外対応の背景

 世界的に脱炭素化への対応が進む中、2021年6月より改定されたコーポレートガバナンス・コードによりプライム市場上場企業に対して、TCFDまたはそれと同等の国際的枠組みに基づく気候変動関連の情報開示が義務付けられました。『ENERGY X GREEN』はイオンやエディオン等の各業界のトップ企業に導入されており、Scope3を含むサプライチェーン全体のCO2排出量の可視化から情報開示までを一貫してサポートしています。




  • 使用可能な排出原単位が限られており、各国の係数(原単位)が揃わない。
  • 使用可能な排出原単位の汎用性が限られており、網羅的な算定ができない。
  • 使用言語が限られているため、現地の英語が使える担当者に業務が集中するケースが多い。



  • 網羅性・汎用性・信頼性の高い海外排出原単位データベース「ecoinvent Database」への対応
    ecoinvent Databaseは、多様な国と部門を網羅しており、汎用性が高いデータベースです。また、科学的に正確で透明性が高い国際的なインベントリデータを提供する事を目的として開発が行われ、複数の専門家のレビューを受ける等信頼性が高く、脱炭素化に先進的な欧米を中心に広く使われています。(*2)

    これまでの環境省排出原単位データベースに加えて、ユーザーが保有する、国内・アジア地域を中心とした主要なLCIデータベース「IDEA (*3)」 および「ecoinvent Database」を容易に『ENERGY X GREEN』にインポートし、排出原単位を用いて算定をすることができる機能を開発しました。海外に拠点や工場等を多く持つ企業が、より広範囲かつ粒度を高めた一元管理を可能にし、脱炭素化の加速を支援します。
  • 7つのリージョン、235の国や地域ごとの排出量管理
  • UIおよびインプット・アウトプットデータ等の25言語対応

*1 NET-ZEROリーダー:NET-ZEROの実現に向けて先進的に取り組み、各業界を牽引する個人や企業
*2 参考:環境省グリーン・バリューチェーンプラットフォーム、算定時の参考 内 最新のデータベースVer.3.2(EXCEL/6.04MB)<2022年3月リリース>
*3 LCIデータベース IDEA Version 3.2.0 (2022/04/15) 国立研究開発法人 産業技術総合研究所 安全科学研究部門 IDEAラボ

■ecoinvent Databaseについて

ecoinvent Database


世界で最も一貫性と透明性のあるライフサイクルインベントリデータベースとして、ecoinvent Databaseは世界中の製品とプロセスの環境評価をしています。ecoinvent Databaseにより、ユーザーは製品やサービスの環境影響についてより深く理解することができます。ecoinvent Databaseは世界および地域レベルの多様なセクターをカバーするリポジトリです。現在、人間の活動やプロセスをモデル化した19,000以上の活動(「データセット」とも呼ばれる)が含まれています。 ecoinventデータセットには、モデルとなっている産業や農業のプロセスに関する情報が含まれており、環境から取り出される天然資源、水・土壌・大気への排出物、他のプロセスから要求される製品(電力)、そしてもちろん生産される製品・副産物・廃棄物を測定しています。」

“ecoinvent is a not-for-profit association based in Zurich, Switzerland, dedicated to the availability of high-quality data for sustainability assessments worldwide. As the world’s most consistent and transparent life cycle inventory database, the ecoinvent Database supports environmental assessments of products and processes worldwide. The ecoinvent Database enables users to gain a deeper understanding of the environmental impacts of their products and services. It is a repository covering a diverse range of sectors on global and regional level. It currently contains more than 19’000 activities, otherwise referred to as ‘datasets’, modelling human activities or processes. ecoinvent datasets contain information on the industrial or agricultural process they model, measuring the natural resources withdrawn from the environment, the emissions released to the water, soil and air, the products demanded from other processes (electricity), and of course, the products, co-products and wastes produced.”



 『ENERGY X GREEN』はCO2等排出量の可視化・管理・オフセット・報告レポートが可能なカーボンマネジメントプラットフォームです。各業界のNET-ZEROリーダーから選ばれ、累計12万拠点以上に採択されています。製品・サービスごとの排出量が可視化でき、計画に沿ったCO2の削減(省エネ、再エネ、非化石証書の購入等)を実行できます。さらに、国際イニシアチブ(RE100、SBTi、TCFD等)や温対法等の各種報告レポートを自動で作成。効率的な脱炭素経営をサポートします。


booost technologies株式会社 マーケティング部(広報)


booost technologies、Offering Global Plan for Companies with Overseas Offices
~Compatible with overseas emissions intensity database “ecoinvent Database,” emissions management for each of 235 countries and regions, and 25 languages are now available.~

booost technologies, Inc. (Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo; CEO Hironori Aoi; hereafter “the Company”), a Climate Tech company, has started offering a global plan for companies with overseas offices in a global carbon management platform “ENERGY X GREEN” (https://green.energyx.jp/), which is operated and developed by the Company and selected by “NET-ZERO Leaders” (*1) who are leading various industries with advanced efforts toward the realization of NET-ZERO.

The new system is compatible with the ecoinvent Database, a highly comprehensive, versatile, and reliable overseas emissions intensity database (DB), and enables emissions management by 7 regions, 235 countries and regions, and support for 25 languages. It enables highly granular, centralized management of CO2 and other emissions visualization, management, offsetting, and reporting for supply chains, including overseas locations, and accelerates the decarbonization of global companies that have business partners in many countries.


■Background of “ENERGY X GREEN” Overseas Support

As the world moves toward decarbonization, the Corporate Governance Code revised in June 2021 requires prime market listed companies to disclose climate change-related information based on the TCFD or an equivalent international framework. “ENERGY X GREEN” has been introduced to top companies in various industries such as AEON and EDION, and provides consistent support from visualization of CO2 emissions throughout the supply chain including Scope 3 to information disclosure.

According to a survey by the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), the status of overseas decarbonization efforts by Japanese companies with overseas operations lags behind that in Japan (Graph 1), with about 80% of companies responding “no” in terms of numerical targets for emissions reductions and renewable energy use at local sites (Graph 2). Of those companies that answered “no,” about 40% responded that “their headquarters also has no numerical targets” or that “they plan to set their own numerical targets at the request of customers” (Graph 3), indicating the difficulty of setting targets for their own sites and the delay in starting such efforts.


Source: [Report Version] FY2021|JETRO Overseas Business Survey
Questionnaire survey on overseas business development of Japanese companies


Source: FY2022 Survey of Japanese Companies Operating Overseas | Worldwide Edition: Survey of 7,173 Japanese companies operating overseas

The following issues can be inferred as the background to this reality.

〈Major issues in calculating the emissions of companies with overseas bases〉

  • The number of available emission intensities is limited, and the coefficients (intensities) for each country are not available.
  • The versatility of the available emission intensity is limited, and exhaustive calculations cannot be performed.
  • The language used is limited, so work is often concentrated on local English-speaking staff.

In light of the above, we have launched the Global Plan to enable global companies with overseas offices and plants, including prime market listed companies, to efficiently manage emissions over a wider area and with greater granularity.

■Three key points of the Global Plan

  • Support for the “ecoinvent Database,” an overseas emissions intensity database with high coverage, versatility, and reliability

The ecoinvent Database is a highly versatile database, covering a diverse range of countries and sectors. It was developed with the aim of providing scientifically accurate and transparent international inventory data. It has been reviewed by multiple experts and is highly reliable, and is widely used mainly in Europe and the United States, which are leading countries in the decarbonization process. (*2)
In addition to the Ministry of the Environment’s emissions intensity database, we have developed a new function with which users can easily import the ecoinvent Database and IDEA (*3), a major LCI database mainly for Japan and Asia, into “ENERGY X GREEN,” and can calculate emissions intensity using these databases. This function enables companies with many overseas offices and factories to manage their emissions more comprehensively and granularly in a centralized manner, thereby helping to accelerate decarbonization.

  • Emissions management by 7 regions, 235 countries and territories

This is a significant expansion from the previous nine sites in Japan to seven regions and 235 countries and regions where users can manage their emissions. The regions and countries/regions to be expanded were selected with reference to top companies in each industry, focusing on areas with many overseas offices and business partners.

  • Support for UI, input and output data, etc. in 25 language

Seven additional regions and 235 additional countries and territories referred in ② are now available in languages other than Japanese, including English, Chinese, Spanish, and Hindi.


*1 NET-ZERO Leaders: Individuals and companies that are leading their respective industries through progressive efforts to realize NET-ZERO
※NET-ZERO:Reduce CO2 emissions to the limit, and then subtract the residual amount by absorption and removal to bring the total to zero.
*2  Reference: Ministry of the Environment Green Value Chain Platform, Reference at the time of calculation
   Newest Database Ver.3.2(EXCEL/6.04MB)<released in March 2022>
*3 LCI Database IDEA Version 3.2.0 (2022/04/15) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Safety Science Research Division, IDEA Lab.

■About ecoinvent

ecoinvent Database

“ecoinvent is a not-for-profit association based in Zurich, Switzerland, dedicated to the availability of high-quality data for sustainability assessments worldwide. As the world’s most consistent and transparent life cycle inventory database, the ecoinvent database supports environmental assessments of products and processes worldwide. The ecoinvent Database enables users to gain a deeper understanding of the environmental impacts of their products and services. It is a repository covering a diverse range of sectors on global and regional level. It currently contains more than 19’000 activities, otherwise referred to as ‘datasets’, modelling human activities or processes. ecoinvent datasets contain information on the industrial or agricultural process they model, measuring the natural resources withdrawn from the environment, the emissions released to the water, soil and air, the products demanded from other processes (electricity), and of course, the products, co-products and wastes produced.”



ENERGY X GREEN” is a carbon management platform that enables visualization, management, offsetting, and reporting of CO2 emissions. Selected by NET-ZERO leaders in various industries, ENERGY X GREEN has been implemented at more than 120,000 locations in total. It enables visualization of emissions for each product and service, and implementation of CO2 reduction (energy saving, renewable energy, purchase of non-fossil certificates, etc.) according to a plan. Furthermore, various reporting reports for international initiatives (RE100, SBTi, TCFD, etc.) and the Global Warming Law are automatically generated. It supports efficient decarbonization management.

※Validated system in accordance with ISO 14064-3 on GHG as defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

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